Shipping and Returns
Shipping and Returns Policy for Providers
Dia-Foot shoes and inserts are sent via UPS ground.
Our price includes free shipping of exchanges and foam boxes sent to
Dia-Foot. (Additional charges applied to 2nd day air, Hawaii
and Alaska shipments)
Please call Dia-Foot for a return label if needed.
To receive full credit for your shoe return, shoes must be returned
within 90 days of receipt (SPLIT PAIRS 60 DAYS) and
- Have no visible wear (No credit issued). Shoes have to be able to be sold again!
- Must be in original shoe box ($10 charge).
- No writing or tape on original shoe box ($10 charge).
- Cleaning fee ($10 charge).
No credit can be issued for custom molded inserts or orthotics; re-works
are provided if needed.
Click here for a Dia-Foot
Exchange Form.